Friday, 24 April 2015

Communal Politics in India- Crying Wolf syndrome

It is deeply disturbing to see the opposition, media, and sections of religious clergy connive to vitiate communal harmony by unleashing malicious propaganda,  made of spurious charges against the GOI. In their desperation to somehow malign the PM, and his government, they seem to care two hoots about national interest. Thanks to their "outstanding" work in collaboration with powerful  Christian fundamentalist groups, whose stated aim is to harvest the soul of every last human being for the Christ,  our country is often being clubbed with Pakistan when it comes to religious freedom by commissions formed by the likes of EU, US Congress etc. Having a lancing glance at recent incidents is enough to see through the concocted stories being spread, and understand the deep seated malice.

1) Disgusting incident of the rape of a venerable nun in Kolkata was blamed on RSS affiliates by a ruling TMC minister, and rest of the politicos, media, and sections of clergy went ballistic blaming the GOI of encouraging attack on minorities, and even dragging in the PM. Later, when Kolkata police arrested illegal Muslim immigrants from Bangladesh, everyone lost interest in the case; not even an apology rendered.

2)Desecration of a Church in Agra blamed on Hindu groups, and blame squarely put on GOI for encouraging communal strife; Alas, now UP police arrests a spurned lover, A Muslim youth distraught at his love for a local Christian girl going unrequited.[ Apologies for mentioning the religious designations; but required to lay bare the propaganda being spread]
3) Even incidents like electric short circuit, cricket ball smashing the window panes, and drunken misadventures of a few young men who made a wager were played up by media, politicos, and sections of religious clergy as a vicious communal campaign against minorities done with the blessings of GOI.

4) Even the secular credentials of the Supreme Court, and the CJI of India was questioned by these brain dead, prejudiced farceurs in their desperation to make the GOI look bad. They had no qualms about maligning the one institution which can protect the constitution, rights of minorities in case of any eventuality in the future.

5)Regarding the high decibel campaign about Churches being under attack in Delhi, statistics of crimes against religious places released by the authorities show that while there has been hundreds of such cases regarding temples, a significant number regarding mosques, and gurudwaras; the number is in single digits when it comes to Churches.!!

The people who are trying to portray India as an intolerant, totalitarian nation where minorities are under grievous threat; out of their desperation to score political brownie points, are grossly damaging our national interest by maligning India's image abroad, and sowing seeds of communal discord within. India is probably the only nation in the world where the majority community suffers from a persecution complex[Reason being, hundreds of years of subjugation by foreigners who mostly viewed indigenous culture with contempt]. Add to that the attempt to scare minorities of an existential crisis by using majority community as the bogey man, we are staring at a catastrophe. Further, the clergy, and people who genuinely care about minority rights will do well to remember the fable of the shepherd who cried wolf; there will be no one to help if God forbid, a genuine crisis strikes.

PS: I am in no way arguing that there are no communal strains in our country; but we have to agree that India provides a high degree of religious, and political freedom which is on par with almost every liberal nation. The point is, rather than trying to widen communal chasm, and peddling lies, and half truths for political gains, we should try to bring everyone together, and work towards a strong, prosperous, and united India...